Thursday, November 16, 2006

Local Writing Contest

The Associated Arts of Ocean Shores are holding another "Write on the Beach" Writer's conference in January. There is a student writing contest....check out the rules:

The Student Writing Contest Rules
Mail entries to:
Write on the Beach 2007-Contest EntryAssociated Arts of Ocean Shores
P.O.Box 2284Ocean Shores, WA 98569
1. Only previously unpublished works of 2500 words or less will be accepted. Entries may be extracts from longer pieces.
2. Manuscripts must be double-spaced, produced by word processor on white 20/24lb paper and in font size 12 point. No decorative fonts.
3. Poetry is limited to 3 poems (3 entries) per person. There is a maximum of 5 pages total per person. Each poem requires a separate entry fee.
4. The entry fee for students aged 18 years (or younger) is $5.00 per entry
5. To ensure confidentiality:
No author identification is to appear on any page of the manuscript.All manuscript pages must be numbered and titled in the top, right-hand corner. Write the author’s name, address, phone number and title of the entry on a 3"x5" white index card. Staple the index card to the front of the manuscript.
6. The judges’ decisions are final.
7. Deadline for submissions:Entries must be postmarked no later than December 29th 2006.
8. Prizes will be announced at the Saturday Awards Luncheon during the ‘Write on the Beach 2007’ conference.
9. Please keep a copy of your work. "Write on the Beach" cannot accept responsibility for unclaimed manuscripts. Pick up your manuscript(s) at the conference registration table. OR include an adequately stamped and sized self-addressed envelope with your submission.
For more info visit